"Hope Dissapears for the Imbeciles", coloured pencils, 20x27cm.
"Today: Product Purchase", 1/3, ink and digital colouring, 21x29,7cm, 2018.
"Today: Window Shopping", 2/3, ink and digital colouring, 21x29,7cm, 2018.
"Today: Product Sells", 3/3, ink and digital colouring, 21x29,7cm, 2018.
"He's so Small!", research, ink and digital colouring, 32x14cm, 2019.
"Free Livre, le Livre", ink on paper, 10x10cm, 2019.
"Free Livre, le Livre", ink on paper, 10x10cm, 2019.
"Free Livre, le Livre", ink on paper, 10x10cm, 2019.
“Robin's Peregrinations, Failures and Successes", crayons de couleurs, 22x22cm, 2018.
"The Letter Box", Coloured pencils, 25,8x17cm, 2020. ← PREVIOUS PROJECTNEXT PROJECT →